SEO For Businesses: Four Myths Busted

Businesses that want to gain greater visibility online rely on search engine optimization in a major way. Not all SEO strategies are effective. What worked five years or even three years ago would get a website flagged for spam in the present context. Today, search engine optimization planning needs to incorporate direct marketing, customer service, and similar methods to boost business growth.

The sections below discuss some of the more enduring search engine optimization myths and shine a light on the truth.

Myth #1: The most popular keywords will bring the most business

While having visitors to a business site is important, it is also important that people should ultimately purchase products. Often, people search certain terms only out of curiosity, with no intention of buying the product. Other terms, while not high ranking in terms of popularity, are more effective indicators of buyer interest.

Apart from well chosen keywords, a good landing page, combined with high-quality products, perfect customer service, and freebies will help convert visitors to buyers.

In short, search engine optimization will bring the traffic, and the businesses need to capitalize on the SEO efforts to grow.

Myth #2:  Keyword filled pages are sufficient 

The way search engines algorithms have changed over the last two years is one of the most popular topics of discussion among search engine strategists. No longer are pages mindlessly filled with keywords rewarded by Google. Most article directories that often ranked top for a particular keyword have been hit too badly to rank anywhere in the first ten pages.

It is important that the content be created keeping in mind holistic requirements of searchers, rather than directing them to keyword filled pages that search engines tag as spam. Content need not be restricted to general articles. Press releases, reviews, and similar content go a long way in boosting the credibility of a business.

Created from an SEO point of view, such content will also bring in traffic without attracting the tag of spam.

Myth #3: The more sites mention a business, the more visible it is

Related to the earlier point is that of article directories. Earlier, it was enough for a business to hire an SEO firm to submit content to hundreds of directories. With directories almost out of business, it is time to rethink strategies.

Today, what matters is where the business name is displayed. Is the name being mentioned on sites that are search engine friendly, or does it consistently show up on blacklisted sites that will affect reputation as well as raise the red flag for search engines? Today, more important than having a business mentioned all over the web, is where the names are being mentioned.

Myth #4: Non-interactive web presence is enough

It is no longer a good idea to submit an article on a website and wait for the traffic to come by. While article directories and official websites are great SEO tools, businesses also need to reach out to existing and potential customers through other methods.

Social media plays a big role in helping businesses interact directly with customers. Another important tool to keep customers in the loop is newsletters emailed directly to their inbox. Answering questions and making announcements through online forums is also another great SEO strategy.

The emergence of new technologies and changes in search engine algorithms have had a great impact on the potential of SEO in the future. While SEO still remains relevant to businesses, it is important to refurbish search engine optimization plans to gain the most out of SEO efforts.


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